Na brazilské Sao Paulo se žene masivní bouře

BRAZÍLIE – Ve vnitrozemí São Paula byl spatřen mohutný šelfový mrak, který zanechal obyvatele v úžasu. Zasažená města budou: Alambari, Araçoiaba da Serra a Tatuí. (Foto: X)
Vlivem horkého a vlhkého tropického vzduchu se teploty vyšplhaly na 33,6 °C ve Valparaísu a 41 °C v Mato Grosso do Sul.
Shelf cloud vzniká, když teplejší vzduch stoupá nad chladnější vzduch, často je spojen s liniemi nestability a letními bouřkami.
Today,Giant Shelf Cloud in São Paulo, Brazil
— Weather monitor (@Weathermonitors) January 18, 2025
January 18, 2025
A massive shelf cloud was spotted in São Paulo's interior, leaving residents in awe. Cities affected: Alambari, Araçoiaba da Serra, and Tatuí.
Caused by hot and humid tropical air, temperatures soared to 33.6°C…
— ZetaTalk Followers: Watch X, Planet X, aka Nibiru (@ZT_Followers) January 18, 2025
SEVERE EARTH WOBBLEGiant storm cloud captured on
Friday in the interior of São Paulo, BrazilWild Weather, the Wobble Effect
"We warned at the start of ZetaTalk, in 1995, that unpredictable weather…
Giant Cloud Spotted in São Paulo, Brazil
— Weather monitor (@Weathermonitors) January 18, 2025![]()
A massive cloud, resembling a tornado, was seen in several cities in the Sorocaba and Itapetininga regions of São Paulo's interior on Friday, January 17.
According to experts, the phenomenon is associated with strong winds preceding…