Francouzští farmáři blokují dálnice, některé úseky mění na pole

Francouzský prezident slibuje, že bude usilovat o to, aby EU zmírnila předpisy v oblasti životního prostředí, které vyvolaly rozsáhlé protesty v celé zemi. (Foto: X)
Francouzští zemědělci proměnili úsek dálnice v pole. Někteří proti tomu protestují.
Des #agriculteurs sèment 300 mètres de prairie sur la RN165 à Quimper. #AgriculteursEnColere
— Anonyme Citoyen (@AnonymeCitoyen) January 30, 2024
Zemědělci z celé Francie již několik týdnů vyzývají vládu, aby zrušila řadu nekonkurenceschopných nařízení a zákonů, které poškozují jejich živobytí.
….more from France
— AntiCensorship (@truthscant) January 30, 2024There are armoured vehicles trying to block the huge convoy of Tractors rolling towards Rungis, in Paris
One of the 3 'Red Lines' Farmers have been asked not to cross…..
What will happen next? Can the govt even do anything without rustling…
French farmers have laid siege to Paris by choking off eight access points to the city on major roads.
— Yudi Sherman (@ShermanShock) January 30, 2024
The siege comes after months of protests over the government's climate mandates which are targeting farmers.
— Mario AksBerg (@AksbergMario) January 30, 2024
French revolution
Farmers protest against Macron neo-liberal policies & they’ve also realised the extent of the Global Geo-Engineering exercise that’s currently poisoning their crops, animals, land, water courses#MacronResignNow
V rámci probíhajících protestů zemědělci zablokovali hlavní dálnice, včetně silnice do hlavního města, vykydali hnůj u vládních úřadů a podnikli řadu dalších akcí, aby tlačili na své představitele, aby jednali.
— WorldWarThreeNews (@MORROGKEUKENMES) January 30, 2024#French #Farmers have been blocking #Toulouse airport since this morning. Armored gendarmerie vehicles are on site. The blockage could last several days. #Farmerprotest #France
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) January 30, 2024
French Protests
Taxi drivers show up in support for the Farmers – people from all professions are now uniting against Climate Communism
Once/if you witness the police supporting these protests it’s game over for the Tyrannical French Government
Breaking News: Belgium has joined the protestors as thousands of farmers and their supporters take to the roads in a show of force that is engulfing the European continent.
— Jim Ferguson (@JimFergusonUK) January 30, 2024
Farmers fed up with attacks on their industry by globalists who have infiltrated their governments and who…
France Fears Farmers' Protests Spread As 9,000 Blockade Highways
French authorities fear that the protest movement will become even more widespread, and they expect that the blockages on the highways will last at least five days.☭Long Live James Connolly
(he/him) (@tnega74) January 30, 2024